About ASSIST Global
Smoking is very bad for health and the smoking rate in adults in your country is high. Most of these people start smoking when they are young. It is therefore really important to find ways to stop young people from starting to smoke.
Research from the United Kingdom (UK) shows that preventing people from starting to smoke when they are young can be an effective way to tackle future adult smoking rates, as few people start smoking as adults.
ASSIST is a ‘peer-led’, school-based smoking prevention intervention, developed in the UK. ASSIST works by recruiting 13-14 year-olds who are influential among their school year group to become ‘Peer Supporters’. These peer supporters spread messages among their friendship networks via informal conversations face to face or online about the risks of smoking and benefits of not smoking. ASSIST Global is a project to see if, and how well, ASSIST works in China, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The ASSIST Global study is funded by the UK Medical Research Council. This study is being conducted across three countries with project management from the University of Glasgow in the UK. The local research team in your country is led by [China contact / Indonesia contact / Philippines contact] from [institution].
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