Most vapes contain nicotine so you can become addicted to vapes just like people are addicted to cigarettes. Young people are more vulnerable to nicotine dependency than adults.
E-cigarettes and Vapes
What are E-cigarettes and what is vaping?
An e-cigarette is a device that allows you to inhale nicotine in a vapour rather than smoke. E-cigarettes work by heating a liquid that typically contains nicotine and flavourings among other chemicals. Using an E-cigarette is known as vaping.
Research has suggested that vaping use by young people is increasing.
A recent study by University College London found that…
in January 2022, 15% of 18-year-old survey respondents in Great Britain vaped. Up from 11% in January 2021.
Vaping and effects on health
Young people who vape are twice as likely to suffer from a chronic cough than non-users.
Vaping can reduce the function of the lungs and lower immunity, increasing risk of infection. Lung damage due to vaping is referred to as e-cigarette or vaping associated lung injury (EVALI for short).
Vaping is also increasingly associated with gum disease.
The full health consequences of vaping are not yet known and some cheaply made devices can be dangerous to use.